Rule #1 Finance Blog

stock market basics

How To Become an Investor

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

Learning to invest is a skill that can provide you with incredible lifelong value and even result in generational wealth, but it’s not something anyone knows how to do when they first start. Not even Warren Buffett.

How The Stock Market Works: Basics Everyone Should Know

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

The stock market is the best wealth creator in the entire world, yet remains a confusing concept for a lot of people. In fact, most people don’t know the stock market basics.

When it comes to investing, many people wonder where to start. It’s difficult to pick a single starting point with so many strategies out there.

That’s why I’m here. To help you get started and launch your investing practice. The best time to start is now.

ETF vs Stocks: Which Should You Invest In?

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

Whether you’re new to investing or not, trying to figure out where and how to invest your money can feel overwhelming. 

There are so many options, methods, strategies, and ways to build wealth. 

All of them are different. All of them will yield different returns for different investors. And all of them have the potential to make your head spin in different ways.

And, with the average person making about 35,000 choices per day, I understand that decision fatigue is the last thing you want to experience.

What Makes Stocks Go Up & Down?

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

Having a solid understanding of the stock market can often feel out of reach. Sometimes it follows a predictable pattern and seems to make sense, while other times it’s volatile for no apparent reason. 

Both are true! 

Over the long term, the stock market will usually follow regular patterns, and in the short term, there’s more market volatility.  

Hyperinflation: What is It & Can We Predict It?

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

Let’s talk about inflation. 

If you’ve recently heard this word come up in conversation a lot, it’s no surprise.

Over the course of the last few years, the U.S. has experienced a rapid rise in inflation, which has left many of us questioning important investment decisions.

How Are Stock Prices Determined?

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

How stock prices are determined can be a bit ambiguous to anyone not on the trading floor. As investors, though, it’s important to know why a stock is priced at what it is, and why it changes.  

So, I’m here to clear up the confusion. By the end of this, you will not only know how stock prices are determined but also how to pick stocks to buy and when to do so based on their price.

There’s one key thing I hope you get out of this: The price of a company’s stock does not always equal its value. 

Alright, the class is in session. Let’s begin.

What is a Stock Split?

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

What is a stock split and what does it mean for you?

Stock splits happen from time to time, so it’s important for us as investors to understand what they mean and how they might impact our investing decisions. 

Consider this a crash course to stock splits. Let’s begin.

Do Election Years Affect the Stock Market?

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

One question that always seems to come up in investing circles every four years is the relationship between an election year and the stock market.

Regardless of who is running, election years can have a big impact on the market’s performance – and given that this year’s election is taking place in the midst of a global pandemic, this is all the more true.

Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to invest during election years in order to help you navigate these tricky times.

Understanding Stock Market Volatility and How to Profit From It

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

Stock market volatility may sound scary, but it’s actually essential in order for Rule #1 investors to be successful. It’s the reason why there are opportunities to purchase great companies at great prices.

Today, I’ll get into exactly what is market volatility and why you shouldn’t be afraid of it.

How The Stock Market Affects the Economy

Phil Town


Posted in stock market basics

The stock market health is a good indicator of how the overall economy is doing, which is why it is often used interchangeably with the economy—but these two are not one and the same. To clear up the confusion, I’ll answer the question: how does the stock market affect the economy?